‘…Go…tell his disciples…especially Peter…’ Mark 16:7 CEV
Max Lucado writes, ‘I’d read the passage 100 times, but never seen it. Maybe I’d passed over it in the excitement of the resurrection… the women’s surprise when they find the stone moved… that beautiful phrase by the angel “He is not here, He is risen.” But go a bit further… and enjoy this jewel…“Go…tell his disciples, especially Peter that he will go ahead of you to Galilee”… All of heaven had watched Peter fall, and wanted to help him get back up. “Be sure and tell Peter he’s not left out…one failure doesn’t make him a flop”… [there are] not many second chances in the world today…ask the kid who didn’t make the sports team…the mother of three whose husband left her for someone younger… Nowadays it’s “We don’t tolerate incompetence” or “Not much room at the top” or “Three strikes and you’re out” or “It’s a dog-eat-dog-world!”… Jesus has a simple answer…“Be sure to tell Peter he gets to bat again.” It’s not every day you get a second chance. Peter must have known that. The next time he saw Jesus he got so excited that… he jumped into… the Sea of Galilee! It was also enough… to cause [Peter] …to carry the Gospel of the second chance to Rome where they killed him. If you’ve ever wondered what would make a man willing to be crucified upside down, maybe now you know. It’s not every day you find someone who’ll give you a second chance—much less someone who’ll give you a second chance every day. In Jesus Peter found both.’ And you will too!
SoulFood: Gen 22:1–18, Matt 27:45–56, Ps 22, Isa 53
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©