‘You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear Your Name.’ Psalm 61:5 NLT
What would you like your legacy to be? In Walden, Henry David Thoreau once said he was concerned that when it came time to die, he would discover he had never fully lived. When it comes to your legacy, here are two things you need to keep in mind:
(1) Nobody will care about the legacy you leave as much as you do. So, be intentional when you decide on your legacy; that way, you greatly increase the odds of making an impact on the next generation.
(2) The sum of how you live your life each day becomes your legacy. Tally each action over many years, and you can see your legacy begin to take shape. In Inspiration and Ideals, Grenville Kleiser writes: ‘Your life is like a book. The title page is your name. The preface is your introduction to the world. The pages are a daily chronicle [record] of your efforts, trials, pleasures, discouragements, ambitions, and achievements… Day by day your thoughts and acts are being inscribed as evidence of your success or failure… Hour by hour the record is being made which must stand for all time. One day the word “Finis” [The End] must be written. Let it then be said of your book that it is a record of noble purpose, generous service, and work well done.’
Most of us don’t get to choose when or how we’re going to die, but we all get to decide how we’re going to live. And that’s the legacy we leave to those who follow us.
SoulFood: 1 Kings 8–9, Mark 11:1–11, Ps 47, Pr 12:4–6
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©