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Hi There!

We got exciting news for you!

Imagine becoming a part of the revolution of change & trend! The Edge Radio is unloading new cool projects and we would like to share the experience with you and grow with us. It will just take 5 minutes of your time! Read below to learn more.

How do I become a Volunteer?

check out the volunteer teams below, and complete a volunteer sign up form below to help us get to know you.  If you already know which team you want to serve, scroll down to fill out the form, or if you’re not certain yet  Use This Form, and someone from our staff will contact you to assist you in making your decision.

What opportunities are available?

There are many areas and teams at +PositivelyPinoy.com. Each area is made up of multiple volunteer teams who serve on a given day during the week. Sign up for one of the teams below and someone will contact you about what’s next.

Radio Production Team

Radio Production is one of the exciting team to be involved in. Radio production is mainly focused on audio engineering/editing, music, and Edge Radio show production that offers +positive music with powerful messages. The entire concept of Edge Radio is to serve, connect with people, and encourage them 24/7. SIGN ME UP, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.

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 Writing & Content Development  Team

If you have an affinity for one of the list below… click SIGN ME UP now

  • writing online blogs, stories, news
  • love sharing your opinions
  • writing facts and sharing it to others is your passion
  • love enticing readers to take action
  • excel at taking tech geek-speak and writing it in layman’s terms for everyone else
  • write and tackle white papers, reports, articles, press releases, pamphlets, business proposals, prepared speeches and more…

then Content Development Team is a compelling team for you, and much more if you love deadlines, love applying the best practices for web copy, skillfully use keywords and write to specific word counts and you always feel like you’re on the top of the world when you see how many people read your work! – This team is for you!

The entire concept of Content Team is to encourage  our readers everyday, and hopefully soon, to take action to make Philippines even better than what it is right now. SIGN ME UP, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.

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 Creative Design & Photography Team

This is one of the most known team by definition. If you have exemplary sense of style, love to use space, images, and anything related to art to communicate your thoughts visually, then this team is for you. SIGN ME UP, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.
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Video Production Team

If you love creating video by capturing moving images (videography), and creating combinations and reductions of parts of what you’ve captured in live production and post-production (video editing) then join this team! SIGN ME UP, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.

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Web Management & Design Team

Most of our aspiring volunteers is scared to sign up on this team. You don’t have to. We don’t look for a hardcore coder! Just know the basics and you’re fine. But if you do! We would love you to be part of this team. You know how cool this Team right? This is where all the magic is made! Click SIGN ME UP, if you are sure you want to serve in this area.
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Social Media Management Team


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu diam nisi. Quisque auctor, diam at scelerisque egestas, purus ipsum facilisis lectus, nec cursus elit tellus non nisl. Vivamus ultricies elit lacus, eget dictum purus blandit nec. Integer ut hendrerit magna, a tincidunt urna. Morbi ut sapien tortor. Cras rutrum sem non adipiscing dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent pellentesque, urna eget malesuada laoreet, libero turpis eleifend ipsum, ac sollicitudin turpis tortor nec purus. Morbi a neque mollis, tristique arcu nec, ornare odio. OPEN SOON, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.
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Assistant Office Management Team


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu diam nisi. Quisque auctor, diam at scelerisque egestas, purus ipsum facilisis lectus, nec cursus elit tellus non nisl. Vivamus ultricies elit lacus, eget dictum purus blandit nec. Integer ut hendrerit magna, a tincidunt urna. Morbi ut sapien tortor. Cras rutrum sem non adipiscing dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent pellentesque, urna eget malesuada laoreet, libero turpis eleifend ipsum, ac sollicitudin turpis tortor nec purus. Morbi a neque mollis, tristique arcu nec, ornare odio. OPEN SOON, if you are certain you want to serve in this area.

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