‘We are well able.’ Numbers 13:30 AMPC
One Sunday evening, Mary Southerland was in church when a stranger tapped her on the shoulder and told her she was called to be the music and youth assistant for the church. She thought he had lost his mind! She had just graduated with a degree in primary school education, and a friend had invited her to attend the church and sing in the evening service. That’s all—or so she thought. When the service ended, her friend said, ‘You should at least pray about his offer.’ She did. ‘Here I am 30 years later, an unlikely servant, who lives in constant amazement at God’s plan for my life.’
We let our weaknesses and insecurities dictate the course of our lives, when God is looking for ordinary people to do the extraordinary. We’re always making excuses for why we can’t get involved in volunteering or helping others. Chances are, on your own you don’t feel capable. Few people do. But Paul points out that God’s power works best in our weakness. (See 2 Corinthians 12:9).
When Moses sent out twelve spies to assess the opposition, ten reported that going forward was impossible because the giants were too big (see Numbers 13:28). But the other two disagreed with the majority report: ‘Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able.’ God sees you as ‘well able’, not because you are powerful, but because He is. With Him on your side you can rise up with confidence, knowing you are well able to overcome. God sees you as a winner, and an overcomer who can do great things because of the talents and power He has placed inside you.
SoulFood: Jos 14–15, John 17:1–12, Ps 147:12–20, Pro 29:6–10
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©