‘I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you.’ 1 Corinthians  1:10 ESV

To lead your family effectively, you need to learn how to huddle regularly. The 'huddle' is where a team:

1) sets its goals;

2) discusses the division of responsibilities;

3) tackles the issues that determine whether it wins or loses.

Parent, even though you call the plays from overhead, your family must be taught how to accomplish them on the field. That means working through things, talking through disagreements, and motivating and appreciating each member. Try to listen with an open heart. Don’t just hear what your children say, try to understand how they feel. Yes, you’re the boss, and yes, you can try to enforce your will if you want to. But sooner or later you’ll have trouble, for resentment grows when people feel left out. Every member of your team has got to be part of the decision-making process. Involve them! Ask God to help you look beyond what you want to what’s best for all of you.

And don’t fall under the spell of instant gratification. What looks good to you today could be taking you off the path to a better tomorrow. And don’t let outsiders into your huddle. Too often their opinions are based on hearsay, self-interest or jealousy.

Respect the privacy of your team. Build loyalty. Huddle regularly in prayer. When you do that, everybody wins!

SoulFood: Eze 37:1 – 40:9, Luke 1:11-25, Ps 73:1-16, Pro 15:18-21

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©