by Grant Kennedy | 25 Nov, 2021 | Living Today
By Pastor Greg Laurie I love the word refresh. It’s such a perfect word to describe starting again or returning to something. In fact, we even use it as a computer term. Sometimes when I’m working on my computer, leave it for a while, and then come back, things freeze... by Grant Kennedy | 26 Feb, 2021 | Living Today
Author: Melinda McCredie Prayer is something that God has been challenging me about a lot lately. It seems that every where I turn, people are talking about or teaching about prayer. Even the new series we have just started at church is called, you guessed it, Prayer!... by Grant Kennedy | 29 Oct, 2020 | Living Today
Wes Leake has always been interested in how to manage money from a Biblical perspective. In 2000 he helped establish a ministry called Compass in Australia. But then God asked him to work with people in business. “Don’t be stupid God,” he said. These days, he says...