‘…Because you say so, I will…’ Luke 5:5 NIV
Ever notice how much energy it takes to keep a tight grip on something? Come on, you know what you’re holding on to, don’t you? You’re in turmoil because you can’t control the people or circumstances in your life. Hey, release your grip. Go ahead: surrender it to God. You’ll be amazed at how much more energy you’ll have, and how much easier life will be. Once you make the choice to surrender it to God, your hardest days become your easiest.
AW Tozer wrote: ‘Father… my coward heart fears to give up its toys. I cannot part with them without inward bleeding, and I do not try to hide from [You] my terror of the parting. I come trembling, but I do come. Please root from my heart those things which I have cherished so long and which have become a very part of my living self, so that [You may] enter and dwell there without a rival.’
You say, ‘Surrender what?’ (1) Your position! Place it all before your God. Find your security, your identity and your contentment in Him. (2) Your plans! Plan wisely, but be ready for God to rearrange things and take you along paths that may be uncomfortable for you. Nothing this side of Heaven is permanent, including relationships. Enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, but avoid the temptation to cling. (3) Your anxiety! If your emotions are wrapped up with something you own, your job, a particular expectation or a relationship, you aren’t fully relying on God. No, you’re still clinging to lesser things. Stop. Let it go! You’re delaying the surprise God has waiting for you.
SoulFood: Isa 40:9–11, Isa 42:1–4, Ps 18:31–35
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©