‘…the pure in heart…shall see God.’ Matthew 5:8 ASV
In the tabernacle there was a large washbasin for the priests to use the water to wash their hands and feet before they go into the Tent or approach the altar to offer the food offering… so that they will not die.’ (Exodus 30:18–21 GNT) The Psalmist writes, ‘…Who may stand in [Your] holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart… He will receive blessing from the Lord…’ (Psalm 24:3–5 NIV) God’s blessings depend upon the condition of your heart. Does that mean you must be sinless? No, it means you must be conscious of your sin and deal with it right away. Why the big deal about purity? Because Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’ The problem is not God’s inability to be seen, but our inability to see Him. No wonder David prayed, ‘Create in me a pure heart…’ (Psalm 51:10 NIV) This word pure is from the Greek word katharos, which means ‘to clean out’. When you’ve heard too much and seen too much, you need a spiritual catharsis. Only a pure heart can understand God’s will and discern His ways. Unidentified, unconfessed, unforgiven sin will block your spiritual life. A heart that’s not pure will keep you seeking the wisdom of those around you rather than the ways of God. It will keep you needing prayer instead of offering prayer for others. Don’t carry around what God wants you to throw away. Get rid of ‘…every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares…’ (Hebrews 12:1 NKJV) What God wants to show you is worth cleaning up for.
SoulFood: Amos 5:18–9:15, Luke 19:11–27, Ps 103:13–22, Pro 19:17
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©