Living Today

Interesting articles from Christian teachers and leaders. Designed to help you as you follow Jesus!

Living out Faith in a Hostile World

Living out Faith in a Hostile World

You don’t have to look any further than the most recent headlines to see that we live in uncertain times. Many people think the world has never been more hostile to Christians than it is now, especially since the cancel culture continues to target people who aren’t seen as politically correct.

Being a Christian in a deeply secularised society is a growing challenge. Everyone’s truth seems to be accepted unless you’re a Christian. So how do we live out our faith in such a hostile world? With the escalation of wars and tensions all around us, persecution is becoming more common.

Berni Dymet leads the organisation Christianity Works, as well as hosting his radio program A Different Perspective.

God’s Word is Unchanging

‘People are happy to talk about Jesus,’ Berni says. ‘As long as there’s nothing about repentance. They want to believe that He loves everyone and was a great teacher. But the Bible has a lot to say about what’s right and wrong according to God. That hasn’t changed in several thousand years. What’s changed is our culture.’

Berni believes that the Christian voice is no longer an acceptable part of the narrative of our nation. Biblical Christianity is quite different from cultural Christianity. It costs something to be a true Christian, and we should not forget that. To be a normal Christian and to go to church is cheap and easy work.

‘But to hear Christ’s voice,’ says Berni, ‘and to believe and confess Him requires much self-denial. The Biblical Jesus is not a very popular figure these days. There’s been a very deliberate campaign, whether it be gender issues or sexuality issues, to shut down the Christian voice.’

Berni questions if Christians understand what it means to speak the love of Christ into that reality. We’ve seen in the last couple of censuses in Australia that secularisation is happening at a fast pace. It’s a very different environment. Most of us never imagined that we would one day have the world in our hands on a mobile device.

Facing Persecution

‘We as the church face a hostile environment,’ says Berni. ‘But we’re almost behaving like we still live in the good old days when everyone went to church. We are shocked that this is happening. But it’s not anything Jesus didn’t predict in the New Testament. So let’s not be surprised.’

There are many Christians being persecuted around the world for their faith. But by and large in the West, we have it pretty good. In Australia, our government changed in the last election and there were no soldiers on the streets with machine guns. There was no bloodshed.

‘We’re very blessed to have that sort of democracy,’ says Berni. ‘But I think we’ve been lulled into this sense that life should be comfortable. But let me tell you, as Christians, life is going to become less and less and less comfortable. It’s going to be harder to speak the things of God one on one or in public. Jesus said, if they persecuted me, they’re going to persecute you.’

Compassion and Love

The reality is that there are Pastor’s in countries like North Korea and India who are being killed in their churches. That’s a reality in this world. The question for us is, what do we do with our faith in the context of cancel culture, in the context of shutting down the Christian voice?

‘Each one of us who believes in Jesus needs to figure out a way still to be a Christian,’ says Berni. ‘To still believe the Bible, but to do it in love. I love what Francis Schaeffer once said. He said Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.’

As Christians, we can sometimes get this idea that our tribe has to win. But that’s not a biblical expression of the love of God. The greatest act in all of history was Jesus laying down His life for you and me. Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world. He came to save the world.

‘If that was Jesus’ job’s description, maybe it’s ours too,’ says Berni. ‘I see a lot of Christians being tribalistic and condemning those sinners out there, rather than standing up for biblical truth. We should stand up for the good news of Jesus. But we can do it without beating people over the head.’

How Much Should We Tithe?

How Much Should We Tithe?

Alex Cook is the founder of Wealth With a Purpose and brings his own brand of practical financial wisdom to issues that affect us all. One common question Alex often gets asked is around tithing. He recently did some research around how often the word tithe was searched for every month and discovered that there were 80,000 searches! It’s a topic that Christians have a great deal of interest in. In many churches, people hear the word tithe mentioned each week. And therefore, they want to know...

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Do You Really Want to Follow Jesus?

Author: Pastor Greg Laurie Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Mark 8:34 We adorn our churches with crosses, use them as fashion accessories, and even get into lawsuits over where we can display them. But I think our society has a lot of misconceptions about the cross today. In the first century, the cross was a repulsive symbol. It was an incredibly horrible way to die. The Romans didn’t invent crucifixion, but they perfected it, so to...

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Trusting God | Matt’s story

“I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.” - Jer 31:13 God doesn’t promise that life will be easy, but He does promise that He’ll carry us through it and that His plans for us are filled with hope. A couple share their journey from grief to joy.

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Not Owners, But Stewards

By Pastor Greg Laurie "Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy." 1 Timothy 6:17 NKJV Today if you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and some form of transportation, then compared to many people around the world, you’re rich. Of course, you can enjoy what God has blessed you with. That isn’t a sin. However, the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “Command those who...

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How Positive Words Can Change Your Life

Your words can tear someone down – or you can chose to speak positive words and change their life forever. In this Focus on the Family podcast (video and audio options above), Sharon Jaynes shares her embarrassing story that all started with an accidental voicemail. She was annoyed with her husband so Sharon phoned home and left a scathing message on their home phone. But then she thought better of it a deleted the message before her husband could hear it—but didn’t realise the message had...

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Lord, Teach me to Pray

Author: Melinda McCredie Prayer is something that God has been challenging me about a lot lately. It seems that every where I turn, people are talking about or teaching about prayer. Even the new series we have just started at church is called, you guessed it, Prayer! I’m the first to admit that I have found prayer difficult at times. Sometimes I wonder why we pray at all if God already knows everything we need. Yet we read so many times in the Bible that we are commanded to come before God in...

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Am I Not Pretty Enough? When Your Child Has Body Image Insecurities

By: Dr Justin Coulson Body image issues are common in children. Here are three things you can do starting today to help ANY child who is experiencing concerns about their appearance. Hi Dr Justin, I wanted to ask your advice about my 2.5 year old daughter. Recently she said to me that she is not pretty. I was really taken aback from it and found it quite upsetting and concerning. Obviously I reinforced that she was pretty, she is very much a “girly girl” everything pink and dresses etc (with...

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What Your Child Needs to Grow up Well – Part 2

There’s no formula for perfect parenting but there are more effective ways to raise children! In the second of this two part Focus on the Family podcast (video below), Danny Huerta shares some keys to being a great parent, showing adaptability in your parenting, modelling respect for your kids, and being more intentional about the growth and direction of your family.

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What Your Child Needs to Grow up Well – Part 1

There’s no formula for perfect parenting but there are more effective ways to raise children! In the first of this two part Focus on the Family podcast, Danny Huerta shares the power of adaptability in your parenting, modelling respect for your kids, and being more intentional about the growth and direction of your family.

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How to Pray Like Jesus

Prayer – it’s an intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father…and no one modelled it better than Jesus on the night before His crucifixion. In this Focus on the Family podcast (video and audio options above), Elisa Morgan will explain the elements of that prayer and how we can incorporate them into our own prayer life. Book by guest: When We Pray Like Jesus. Book by guest: When We Pray Like Jesus

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Start memorising Scriptures

‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.’ Colossians  3:16 KJV

Before written languages were developed, memory was the only way to learn. In our day, memorising has got a bad name as ‘rote learning’. But memorising never makes your mind a duller place, just the opposite! When we have stored wonderful words in our memory, we will have a much richer inner life than someone who doesn’t.

Eva Hermann spent two years in a Nazi prison camp. She wrote how a young cellmate happened to recite the prayer of St Teresa: ‘Let naught trouble thee; let naught frighten thee; all things pass. God alone changeth not. Patience can do all things. Whoever has God, has everything. God alone sufficeth.’ When Eva saw how much this helped the girl, she began to repeat the prayer at the end of every day. Eva later wrote of how her time in prison was transformed by the words she had memorised.

This illustrates that the words we carry in our minds are available to transform any given moment. So when there is a verse of Scripture that speaks to you, stop and write it on a card. Put it on a mirror in your bathroom, on your smartphone or calendar, or in your car. If you’re an auditory learner, listen to the Scripture being read. If you’re a visual learner, light a candle and read these words: ‘God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all’ (1 John 1:5 NKJV).

When God’s Word is rehearsed, remembered, and repeated often, it’s like a stream of joy, peace, and strength that flows and carries your soul along with it.

SoulFood: Acts 22-23, Mark 5:11-20, Ps 144:9-15, Pro 11:12-13

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©