Living Today

Interesting articles from Christian teachers and leaders. Designed to help you as you follow Jesus!

A Father’s Heart

A Father’s Heart


Despite having 21 years to prepare a father of the bride speech for my daughter wedding last week – it’s hard as a father to keep reminding yourself that “your little girl” isn’t that little anymore – she has grown up into a beautiful women.

There are many great privileges a father gets to have with his daughter. Things like

  • Blowing bubblegum bubbles
  • A high five that stings
  • Learning to whistle
  • First bike ride
  • Rollercoaster introduction
  • Using power tools
  • Fits of laughter and moments of tears
  • Learning to drive
  • Being Daddy Uber
  • What is the “Dad joke”
  • Changing a tyre and checking the oil
  • Showing how to follow Jesus
  • Daddy Daughter hugs
  • Going on Daddy dates
  • And so much more

But one of the greatest privilege a father has – is walking his daughter down the aisle and “giving her away”. Sad but very special.

Got me thinking about our Father in heaven.

  1. How He eagerly wants to be with us.
  2. How He loves to do the everyday life with us.
  3. How He gently allows us to grow in our faith.
  4. How He comforts us and walks with us.
  5. How He releases us into our potential.
  6. How He champions and believes in us.

1 John 3:1

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.

He is the ultimate Father in whom we have all trust.

Article by Mark & Cindy, Vision Christian Media 

How To Read and Study the Bible

How To Read and Study the Bible

Can you imagine being surrounded by the freshest produce, in the best kitchen with the best utensils, but not knowing how to prepare a meal? For many Christians, that’s exactly what reading the Bible feels like. Simply put, we just don’t know how to utilise it effectively. Ben Windle says you can attend church for many years, listen to a lot of teaching and still not learn how to read the Bible for yourself. Yet there is no better way to fuel our growth than personally engaging with the Bible....

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God is Always Speaking

God is Always Speaking

“Hello God, are you there?  Why don’t you answer me?” I’m sure that has come out of our mouths at least once in our lifetime. Sometimes the idea is that God has turned off or gone quiet.  It’s not like He’s keeping silent to teach us a lesson in faith. The reality is, “God is always speaking; we’re not always listening.” Ezekiel 12:25 For I the Lord will speak, and whatever word I speak will be performed. Genesis 35:13 Then God went up from him in the place where He had spoken with him.  Psalm...

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Be of Good Courage

Be of Good Courage

Seeing in the midst of life's challenges From one day to the next, major events and occurrences change the way we see and live our lives. Daily we hear of: • Another major disaster; • Another hourly murder, rape or life ending behaviour; • Another greedy and injustice business deal; • An unsteady fragile stock market; • Another unexpected price rise; It seems harder to find the “Feel Good” stories in the midst of so much destruction, despair and hopelessness. Jesus said in the gospel of John...

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Love in Action

How do we respond to someone’s need? Love is experienced in what we say…. But love becomes extravagant in “what we DO”

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Rethinking How We Resolve Conflict

Have you ever been caught off guard and said something you regret? Have you ever been offended or offended someone else and been surprised by the reaction? Some conflicts are minor, but in the worst-case scenario, they can lead to assaults, lawsuits, and even murder. Wayne Forward, from PeaceWise Australia, thinks it’s time for a radical rethink on how we deal with conflict. He says when we find ourselves at the beginning of a dispute, whether it be at home, work or even at church, we often...

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Don’t give up on your Saul

‘Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for…Saul, for he is praying.’ Acts  9:11 NIV

Has everyone else written off your Saul? ‘He is too far gone.’ ‘He is too hard, too addicted, too old, too cold.’ Joseph believed one day he would be reunited with the brothers who betrayed him, and it happened. The prophet Hosea’s wife deserted him and became a prostitute. Yet, he kept the door open, and she came home. God believed in Saul. And he believed in Saul through Ananias: ‘Brother Saul, the Lord – Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here – has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 9:17 NIV).

Max Lucado writes: ‘My favourite Ananias-type story involves a couple of college roommates. The Ananias of the pair was a tolerant soul. He tolerated his friend’s late-night drunkenness, midnight throw-ups, and all-day sleep-ins. He didn’t complain when his friend disappeared for the weekend or smoked cigarettes in the car. He could have requested a roommate who went to church more or cursed less or cared about something other than impressing girls. But he hung with his personal Saul, seeming to think that something good could happen if the guy could pull his life together. So he kept cleaning up the mess, inviting his roommate to church, and covering his back.’

Max continues: ‘ I don’t remember a bright light or a loud voice. I’ve never travelled on a desert road to Damascus. But I distinctly remember Jesus knocking me off my perch and flipping on the light. It took four semesters, but Steve’s example and Jesus’ message finally got through.’ So, no matter what, don’t give up on your Saul!

SoulFood: Acts 6-7, Mark 3:20-27, Ps 75, Pro 10:22-23

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©