‘…God has made me laugh…’ Genesis 21:6 NKJV
Sarah laughed twice. The first time it was in unbelief because God had promised her a child in her old age. The second time it was with joy because God had fulfilled His promise. But between these two events she went through the most wrenching experience of her life. Her husband, Abraham, betrayed her to save himself. A heathen king took her to his harem and would have violated her had God not intervened. Only a woman who truly loves her husband can understand what Sarah went through that night. There’s a lesson here. Between praying for a miracle and getting one, you’ll be tested, you’ll grow, and you’ll learn to trust God more than you ever thought possible. Plus, here’s something else that’s important to remember: when you share your experiences with others don’t just tell how you started or where you are today; instead, tell them what God brought you through, for those are the very things they’re struggling with too. Tell them how your faith was tried in the furnace of affliction [troubles] before you came through it as gold. Don’t leave them feeling frustrated because they claimed God’s promise and haven’t received it yet. King Abimelech’s tent where Sarah spent that terrifying night was in a place called Gerar, which means ‘the halting place’. Yes, there’ll be times when you’ll feel like your life has come to a screeching halt and you’re getting nowhere. Maybe that’s where you are today. If it is, please know this: God will be faithful to you. Not only will He bring you through, but like Sarah, your joy will return as you watch Him fulfil His promise to you.
SoulFood: Lev 16, Lev 23:26–32, Heb 9:1–14
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©