by Bob Gass | 31 Aug, 2023 | The Word for Today
‘The Lord has not chosen any of these.’ 1 Samuel 16:10 NLT David had seven brothers. When it came time to pick a king to replace Saul, Samuel thought any one of them would have made a great king. But God rejected them all and chose David. Why? Because: (1) They had... by Grant Kennedy | 31 Aug, 2023 | SoulFood
by Bob Gass | 30 Aug, 2023 | The Word for Today
‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick.’ Proverbs 13:12 NKJV You say, ‘Surely a man or woman can change when they meet the right partner?’ No. Only God can change people—and you are not God! Plus, when you ‘need to be needed’, it can cause you to make disastrous... by Grant Kennedy | 30 Aug, 2023 | SoulFood
by Grant Kennedy | 29 Aug, 2023 | SoulFood