Are You Just Beginning?

‘Who [with reason] despises the day of small things?…’ Zechariah 4:10 AMP Everything big begins with something small, and your attitude in the beginning often determines your success in the end. The Bible says, ‘Who [with reason] despises the day of small...

Faith on the Offensive

‘…The just shall live by faith.’ Romans 1:17 KJV God wants you to move from a survival mentality to a position of ruling and reigning; from just getting by, to really believing Him ‘to do exceedingly abundantly above all that [you] ask or think…’...

You’re in Partnership with God

‘We are labourers together with God…’ 1 Corinthians 3:9 KJV Did you hear the story about the little boy who was selling 10 cent pencils door-to-door to raise the money to build a $30,000,000 hospital in his community? One woman said to him, ‘Son, that’s a mighty...

There’s a Way Out

‘…when you are tempted…[there’s]…a way out…’ 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV Often we make excuses for our weaknesses, or blame others. The poet wrote, ‘An enemy I strove to know, he dogged my steps where’er I’d go. My plans he baulked and blocked my way, to lofty...

Getting to the Other Side

‘..Let us cross over to the other side.’ Mark 4:35 NKJV One day Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Let us cross over to the other side… And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling.’ (Mark 4:35–37 NKJV) The devil doesn’t...