Trust God and Keep Going

‘…Gideon…crossed over, exhausted but still in pursuit.’ Judges 8:4 NKJV Are you thinking of quitting? You once thought you could make a difference but now the criticism and discouragement others have poured on you has washed away that belief. Don’t adjust your...

Take the First Step

‘…Jesus said…“Get up!”…’ John 5:8 NIV At the pool of Bethesda Jesus was drawn to a man who’d been physically disabled for 38 years and couldn’t walk. That’s a long time to wait for things to change. Many of us would have given up. ‘When Jesus…asked…“Do you...

Pray for God’s Favour (3)

‘…Find favour…in the sight of God and man.’ Proverbs 3:4 NKJV God can give you favour in the most unusual places and through the most unlikely people. Joseph’s journey to Prime Minister of Egypt involved being unjustly accused and thrown in prison. Now the...

Pray for God’s Favour (2)

‘…Find favour…in the sight of God and man.’ Proverbs 3:4 NKJV To see God’s favour at work, examine the life of Joseph. ‘Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph more than all his children… he made him a [coat] of many colours. But when his brothers saw that their father...

Pray for God’s Favour (1)

‘…find favour…in the sight of God and man.’ Proverbs 3:4 NKJV To fulfil your God-given assignment in life you will need God’s favour! How did Joseph go from being a lowly inmate to running the whole prison system? ‘…The Lord was with Joseph…and He gave him...