by Bob Gass | 28 Feb, 2019 | The Word for Today
‘Lord, where do I put my hope?’ Psalms 39:7 NLTHere are four suggestions to help you survive and grow through upheavals such as an unexpected job loss, the death of a loved one, a failed marriage or a serious health issue: (1) Admit how you feel. That doesn’t mean... by Bob Gass | 27 Feb, 2019 | The Word for Today
‘In love He predestined us for adoption.’ Ephesians 1:4–5 NIVWe all have a need to belong, to be part of a family. One pastor writes: ‘I know couples with hearts of love who yearn to focus it on some little one, but no little one arrives. When these couples find... by Bob Gass | 26 Feb, 2019 | The Word for Today
‘Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.’ Proverbs 4:23 NLTWhen Satan sets out to destroy you, he starts by planting wrong thoughts in your mind. Jesus illustrated this when He said, ‘The laws of Moses said, “You shall not commit... by Bob Gass | 25 Feb, 2019 | The Word for Today
‘Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you.’ Job 22:21 ESVHere are two things that happen when you recognise God’s greatness: (1) You’re not tempted to analyse Him and reduce Him to manageable terms. (2) You’re less likely to try and manipulate... by Bob Gass | 24 Feb, 2019 | The Word for Today
‘The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name.’ John 14:26 NIVWhy would we describe the Holy Spirit as the ‘plus factor’? Three reasons: (1) The Holy Spirit determines the gifts and skills you receive. ‘It is the one and only [Holy] Spirit who distributes all...